Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving Feast all student event (children normally dismissed at 11:30 will be at noon)

No School

No School - Thanksgiving break

Winter Music Program

Winter Music Program 6:00 p.m. Toddler/Primary/Elementary dismissal 3:15, No after school Kid’s Club

Half Day

Half Day – Winter break begins at end of day Toddler, Primary dismissed at 11:30 Elementary at 11:45 No after school Kid’s Club.

No school

No school - MLK Jr. Day Teacher Professional Development Day

Watch for information to come about additional special events such as in-house field trips, volunteer opportunities, and community service projects.

In the event of a school closure, “Oxford Acdmy Montessori” will be posted on the local t.v. stations as early as possible.

Routine fire drills are held on a quarterly basis. Routine tornado drills are held twice annually.